Poseidon & Afrodite

Ele era o mar.
Fechado em si, em ondas gigantes,
ia e vinha, subia e descia.

Ela era o amor.
Paixão em si, em sensações gigantes,
ia e vinha, não era e existia.

Ele ofereceu-lhe os oceanos, senhor dos mares.
Ela queria dar-lhe o mundo, mulher dos amores.

A lua e as estrelas iluminavam a água
numa noite fria e escura.
Enrolavam-se corpos quentes como flores
que aparecem contrastantes numa pintura.

Colagem Digital
Digital collage 
He was the sea.
Closed in itself, in giant waves,
he came and went, up and down.

She was the love.
Passion itself, in giant feelings,
she came and went, was nothing and everything.

He gave her the oceans, lord of the seas.
She offered him the world, woman of devotion.

The moon and stars shine in the water,
on a cold, dark night.
Their warm flesh twisted like flowers
which appear contrasting in a painting
Poseidon & Afrodite

Poseidon & Afrodite
