Kot Dizajner
Cat the Designer
Kot Dizajner to komiks internetowy o kocie, co jest dizajnerem.
Wszystkie jego historie krążą gdzieś między projektami, asapami i kawą. Jego nemesis - Pies Menadżer - jest zwykle głównym powodem jego projektowych porażek i problemów.

Komiks występuje w 2 formach - szorty (1 okienko) i pełne odcinki (zwykle z wieloma postaciami i tytułem zawierającym słowo "miał" ;) )

Kot ma też swój fanpage na facebooku, gdzie lubi pisać ładne wiersze o swojej pracy.


Kot Dizajner is a series of web comic about a cat who is a designer.
All his stories resonate around projects, ASAPs and coffee. His nemesis - Dog the manager - is usually the main reason for his design failures and problems.

Series are divided into 2 types of stories - short stories (one panel only) and longer stories (usually with more characters, with a title containing words with polish "meow").

Kot also has his facebook fanpage, where he likes to post his own work-oriented haikus.


- Coffee is out...
titled: I had a break
- You know what is the best thing in drinking coffee?
- Cat! This your project is hopeless. The client wants something new!
- When you drink coffee, you don't give a damn.
titled: I had an order
- So I checked email yesterday morning and I saw a prefect message. Guy is amazed by my portfolio and wants to give ma a free hand when creating a logo for him and all other stuff.
- I thought: Wow, awesome. I've send my price.
- Silence.
titled: I've got a moment for coffee
*wind sounds* *wind sounds* *wind sounds* hop!
- Coffee!

titled: The transfer was to be made
Day 1: Client wrote he is sending money.
Day 2: Probably he did it in the evening, so money will be tomorrow.
Day 3: No transfer.
Day 4: Still no transfer.
Day 5: The so-called day of a silent hope.
Day 6: The so-called day of a silent frustration.
Day 7: Client claims he have made the transfer (read: probably have just sent).
Day 8: Probably he did it in the evening, so money will be tomorrow.
Day 9: No transfer.
... Day undetermined: No money and there will be no money, because the client stopped answering.
- F**K
titled: It supposed to be fast and easy
- Urgent project of a flyer. Due "yesterday". I've sent 3 proposals. They picked one on spot.
- Since 2 weeks I've been moving all elements a few pixels right or left.
- And they have just said, that they do not like it any more and asked to make something new.
- Ech..

titled: I supposed to have never fall in love again
- Oh, beautiful!
- What an amazing shapes!
- And those subtle sharpnesses
- And that perfect kerning!
- Kerning?
- Typography in this project is just perfect!
- Idiot!
titled: It supposed to be a quick job
- Yeah... We've got a new client. He ordered a catalogue with photos of his products... And he's a plant producer...
- I've been cutting out ferns for two weeks.
titled: I was hoping it will bypass me
- LAAAST CHRISTMAS I gave you my heart*
- But the very next day U gave it away
- This year! To save me from tears I'll give it to someone special! Special. Dam** dam! Dam Da da da da dada dam!
- Hi Cat! I got postcards to make by you!
- Great...

* He is singing it as it sounds in polish with some of the words merged weirdly i.e. "mahar" as "my heart" etc.
** "Dam" means also "I will give" in polish.

- If you think that the client asking to use Comic Sans in the project is the worse thing that can happen... you probably didn't ever encounter the one asking for Papyrus in his business card
titled: It supposed to be easy now.
- Cat! Those business cards are due to Tuesday.
- Oh, and please finish this poster, because the client is getting impatient!
- Ach! And those post cards will be late anyway, because they will not print it with Pantones and you have to convert them to CMYK to be printed eventually.
- Sometimes I've been thinking... If the holy baby was born in our times... It would get deadline, asap and fuckup. All from one king of disorganisement.
- not accepted

For more - visit facebook!
Kot Dizajner


Kot Dizajner

Web comic about a cat, who is a designer.
