Ritwick Nandi's profile

'Man and Machine'

I venture out into the streets of Ahmedabad (Gujarat, India), looking for people and the machines that help them make a livelihood.
The Bookbinder.
The Fire-fighter.
We thought we had a clever shot when we placed the boots next to the fire-truck to bring 'man" into this picture. I learned later that in professions like the armed forces and fire fighting, an empty pair of boots signify death.
The Fire-fighter. Revisited.
The Rickshaw.
The Power-loom.
The Steam-press.
The Kitchen.
Using the heat from an industrial furnace to prepare the workers' dinner.
The Oxyacetylene torch. By Night.
The Cycle-cart.
Kind enough to give us a lift back to the main road.
The Oxyacetylene Torch. By Day.
The Road Roller.
'Man and Machine'

'Man and Machine'

An exercise in photographing people.
