Week 7. Abstraction/Light and Scale
DSLR Photography
With a hot knife, I cut a piece of foam into a geometric form. I then painted it green and grey. I went to the garden and sprinkled plant matter over the wet green paint, and sand on the grey paint. From the old toy box, I grabbed a figurine and placed him on in a way that it looked like he was climbing. Then I took multiple photos from multiple angles. I then transported my desired photo in photoshop. I first removed the background (my bedroom floor). Then I duplicated the land, inverted it, darkened it and then placed it in the foreground. I then sourced a photo of mountains from Flikr and superimposed it in the background. Finally, I used the Iris Blur effect to blur out the surrounding. 

I really loved this photoshoot and could have spent way more time on it. I wanted it to look as real as possible.
Stock img: Mountains - Abdul Rahman (on Flikr) 
Light paint 1 
DSLR Photography
Ink patterns were painted onto clear perspects. Using a projector, light was shone through the perspects, onto the subject's back. With a DSLR camera on IOS 400 and with a shutter speed of 5 seconds, the photo was taken. During these 5 seconds, the perspects were slightly moved. 

I wanted to keep exploring the same technique I used in "shadow" (https://www.behance.net/gallery/55924239/Portraits) from my Portrait series. I used the same piece of perspects. However, this technique doesn't work well in this case since there are too many variables. I couldn't take the photo, cover the projector light, move the perspects to a new position within 5 seconds. Additionally, I couldn't have the shutter speed too long because the whole room would be illuminated. Thus resulting in a blur photo. 
Light Paint 2 
DSLR Photography
The photo was taken in a dark room with a DSLR camera on IOS 300 on 15" shutter speed. I placed a pot plant in the middle on my bed. Using my phone torch (sharpened by attaching a toilet role around the light), I circled the pot plant. 

This was one of only a few photos I took in this particular photoshoot. Amazed at the first result, I took a few more, only to realize I wasn't going to get a better one than this one. Although it was a mistake, I love the flowing light above the pot plant. Some light must have escaped the edges of the toilet roll. It looks like paint. 
Light Paint 3 
DSLR Photography 
This photo was taken using a DSLR camera on IOS 350 and a shutter speed of 13". Using three people and three iPhones, over the course of the 13 seconds, the people ran crazily throughout the dark room.

Although this was not the first time I have experimented with light painting, I was amazed at what you can do with it. The lines and color sheds emphasis on the movement of the piece. Despite being amazed that the camera doesn't capture the human forms, the blurred motions of the feet are distracting. 
Light and Scale

Light and Scale
