Authaniche Illustrations's profile

The Bizarre Plant Collectors

The Bizarre Plant Collectors
Illustration & Logo Design
1. Left: the Quirkiness Quandary, the one who picks succulent by how peculiar it looks.
2. Middle: the Insectivore Inspector, the one who enjoys to watch the consuming process of the others.
3. Right: the Fetor Fetish, the one who collects rare flowers with odors.

1. 左:愛好長相古怪的多肉植物的人
2. 中:喜愛觀賞植物進食的人
3. 右:對花臭味有特殊癖好的人
Details of the logo.
The Quirkiness Quandary.​​​​​​​
The Insectivore Inspector
The Fetor Fetish.
The Bizarre Plant Collectors

The Bizarre Plant Collectors

illustration of botany-lovers who collect rare and bizarre plants
