Alexander Olson's profile

Magazine Cover and Magazine Spread Design

In Design & Visual Communications I created a new magazine for a specific target audience, designed two (2) concept magazine covers, and conceptualized a name for my fictitious magazine.

One (1) of my cover designs should utilize the modern magazine design principles we discussed. These two designs should be totally different in tone and appearance, yet similar in that they both have:
A clear, easily identifiable masthead
Four (4) teaser lines for stories inside (including one utilizing the Law of Specificity, and one flash)
One (1) lead cover story line
A barcode
A starburst
Necessary publication and cost information
A 9” x 10 3/4” dimension

My second design cover design is built upon the classic, poster style approach we discussed. It has: 
A clear, easily identifiable masthead
A powerful original illustration
Minimal copy
A barcode
Necessary publication and cost information
A 9” x 10 3/4” dimension

I then picked the two (2) of my lead stories I included on the cover for my modern magazine cover. And created new magazine article spreads for them.

This project took me about 60 hours to make multiple concepts and my two (2) final product covers and two (2) final product in. I made the main elements of my Classic poster style approach in Adobe Illustrator and placed my layout in Adobe Indesign. For my modern day magazine designs I utilized Adobe Photoshop for the main parts of the background while using Adobe Illustrator to make the shape of the Starburst and again used Adobe Indesign for my layout. For my two (2) magazine spreads I used Adobe Photoshop to edit some pictures and blends and made the layouts in Adobe Indesign.
Magazine Cover and Magazine Spread Design

Magazine Cover and Magazine Spread Design
