The hidden beauty of nature...
Natural Wonder, photos of life and death. Warmth and coolness. Plain and beautiful. These pictures aim to show the hidden aspect of nature and reveal to the viewer what he already knows but cannot see. Each picture comes with a name which I have spent long hours thinking of. The name helps the viewer in understanding the picture so that it isn't just a picture, no, it means something more! And this more is for the viewer to decide. I have kept a name for each picture as a guide so that the viewer may not distort the meaning it was intended to have. This happens unconsciously, but once the name is read it is erased (if the person had the wrong idea). That is why I believe words and names are as important as the objects they refer to or signify.
So, I hope you enjoy my photos and that you see something new in each of them, something you carry with you for the rest of your life! :)

Natural Wonder

Natural Wonder

Photography is just something I do as a hobby. I never went for any training or classes, but i just learnt it by clicking various things that cau Read More
