Dacor The Modernist Collection Brand Book

Introducing innovative and unique designs is a difficult task in the luxury kitchen appliance market, where history and tradition have long been valued. 
However, we at Dacor wanted to redirect the focus away from habits and convention, 
and steer the market toward new trends and ideas. 

We spent a great deal of time to understand users’ needs and behaviors, gaining inspiration from what they desire from their kitchen appliances, and used our extensive expertise to apply these ideas to our designs to create meaningful value for our customers. 
Throughout the design process, we maintained our determination to make our customers’ culinary experiences better and our pioneering products provide our customers with practical yet luxurious kitchen appliances. 

With these new designs, Dacor: The Modernist Collection will become a symbol of innovation, known for leading an entirely new trend in the luxury kitchen appliance market.

Dacor Brand Book