Hello Dribble!
This was my debut on Dribbble.

I created this in Xcode with the Swift language. Here you see some animation and it is "snowing" dribbble balls.
The Technical Info
I'm using a springWithDamping animation to split apart the word "Dribble" and inserting the third "d".

For the blinking "Hello" I'm actually using two labels. One with "H ll " and one with " e  o". I animate the "e  o" by applying a scale transform and then removing it.

The "snowing" is done by using a CAEmitterLayer. If you want to learn how to setup an emitter and control what it emits then watch my video tutorial and see how I set this up.

Hello Dribbble

Hello Dribbble

Dribbble debut using Xcode to create animation and some snow with the dribbble icon.
