Joachim Knestang Elstad's profile

SHUFFLE February Issue 2010

This was one of my last assignments at The Norwegian School of Creative Studies, and definitely one of the most time-consuming assignments I've had so far. I think I spent at least 75 percent of the time on adjusting the body text. On this assignment we were to art direct and design a fictional magazine aimed towards a certain target audience. The magazine had to have at least 24 pages, where at least two articles had to span over 4-6 pages. I decided to design a fictional music magazine focusing on the trance & progressive genres, featuring both legendary producers as well as up-and-coming talents.

Over the last decade trance and progressive have been through a prominent evolution. Trance music feels a lot warmer nowadays, and it conveys a lot more emotions than it used to. Shades of green, brown, purple and red fit this new personality of trance music a lot better than the palettes other magazines focusing on the same genres tend to use.

Art direction, layout and concept by Joachim Knestang Elstad.
Photos of tyDi are (c) Generationext. Music Management Group and have been used with permission.
All other photos used in this magazine are (c) of their respective owners. This magazine was an editorial 
design assignment at the Norwegian School of Creative Studies and will therefore not be published.
SHUFFLE February Issue 2010

SHUFFLE February Issue 2010

A fictional music magazine focusing on the trance and progressive genres.
