Stine Ellegaard Jakobsen's profile

TEMPELHOF FREEDOM - Urban strategy and diversity

Thesis Tempelhof Airport, Berlin
spring 2012
The project focuses 
on developing a flexible process oriented designstrategy which ensures that the former airfield in the future can adjust to its surroundings and the changeability of time. In the same time, the new design makes sure to emphasize the unique historical tracks and the multiple existing activities. This creates an oasis - a social and cultural divers parkdistrict in the heart of Berlin.
The strategy consists of a fixed framework which guides the overall planning and below this establishes flexible principles for how the fixed framework can develop over time. Local pioneers, investors and other interested parties have influence on how the flexible principles can evolve and is thus dynamo for the future life of the site.
The design strategy consists of three focus areas, which each ensures frameworks for how the public spaces, the landscape and the new built-up areas should be developed.
The public spaces makes room for interaction between people and various activities.
The surrounding taxiring is being converted into a promenade which provides space for wind boarding, running, playing, saunter, and more.
The scenic open landscape is staged by the construction of four ’gates’ that serves as a meeting place, clubhouse, cafe and ’take-off’ for the many activities and diverse life on the spot.
The processing of the landscape creates space for bird watching, kite boarding, relaxation, etc., through scattered distributed follier, plants and paths as well as with a rigid park landscape with varying green.

The new neighborhoods are welcoming to a diverse population through a condensation of different typologies, ownership, facilities, and programs such as housing, groceries, cafes, specialty shops and business. By creating exciting and varying spatial sequences the public areas are lively and inviting.
TEMPELHOF FREEDOM - Urban strategy and diversity

TEMPELHOF FREEDOM - Urban strategy and diversity

The project focuses on developing a flexible process oriented designstrategy which ensures that the former airfield in the future can adjust to i Read More
