Nicky Zhu's profile

Time and Places

Time and Places
Sarah Point Mill locates on the Great Ancoat Street in Manchester and it was on fire at 1992, it was still
under construction and didn’t look very nice from outside.
In 2008 The North West Development Agency (NWDA) launched a small brief and it was about designing a
“warp” for this building. The idea was based on “directions” and “landmark”.
Great Ancoat area is the heart of Manchester city, it’s surrounded by famous architectures and place of interests, including Beehive Mill, Hacienda, Miles Platting Railway,
Beecham Tower etc. By separating the area into East, North, West and South, every side of the building shows the famous landmark from each direction.
Also from the bottom to the top is a “timeline” -- From the earliest Piccadilly Garden Christmas Market in 1700s to the latest Beetham Tower... It also tells the local residents and people who come to visit about the history of this city. People who are familiar with the architectures and landmarks in Manchester will also find these icons are interesting。
Time and Places

Time and Places

environment design
