Varya Timofeeva's profile

Mariinsky Symphony Orchestra

My Master's diploma project at St. Petersburg State Univercity.

Mariinsky Symphony Orchestra is regarded as one of the most well-known orchestras performing all around the world. Still it doesn't have a recognizable logo or corporate identity. The aim of the project was to create a complex bright qnd clear identity that will reflect the unique features of this great music collective.
Movieclip that represents the new brand identity of the Mariinsky Symphony Orchestra
 Before making an English version of logo s special font had been created
Logo. English version
Colorful version of logo. Seven corporate colors are represented in stretching
 English-Russian version of the logo
Concert scedule. Season 2011/2012. A3
Series of posters that represent lauching of the new identity
Mariinsky Symphony Orchestra

Mariinsky Symphony Orchestra

Brand identity for the Mariinsky Symphony Orchestra. Master's diploma project
