Existing Site Plan

Site measurements

I decided to go forward with the second iteration and add observation boards at respective heights of the statue head i.e 24ft and top height of 30ft. This setting allowed me to explain my design brief as the deck placed at 24ft allowed the people to go around the statue head while the top deck elevates the perspective from the intimate ground to a higher, less maginified one.

For the ground level, I attempted at adopting the knowledge of providing a living space in the garden and designed seating to centre around the expane of a pond, centre of which is occupied by the statue. This makes for a rather interesting watch for people occupying the observation deck on the ramp.

This was a conceptual exercise and the ideas produced are only for the purpose of intital stages of framing the context of the design execution. The details of materials do not feature in this documentation.



A space design project about based in evoking interaction of people with arts and history
