Book Cover Design for a Novel
The Brief:    
 "The Random Musings of a Noncommittal Mind" is a whimsical book about random philosophical thoughts written by author Summer Smith. 

She wanted the title lettering of the book to be black or gold and in a font resembling a handwriting look.  From the lower left corner of the front cover, she wanted a gold-colored gardenia. 

On the back cover, she wanted this summary/description: “We are meant to share our hearts, not give them away. Vulnerability is not the act of placing your heart in someone else’s hands, saying, ‘Keep this safe for me.’ Vulnerability is wearing your heart on your sleeve, showing others your beauty, truths, and fears, and trusting that they will respect you.”

She also wanted her bio in the back cover with a black, regular font.  During the process, she requested to put her picture next to the bio and sent a rough sketch of what she wanted the cover look like.

The final result was: 

*if you want to buy her book you can find it here.
Book Cover


Book Cover

Book Cover for a Novella
