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ArtCaffe Smoothie Imagery

ArtCaffe is one of my favorite restaurants to go to in Nairobi, Kenya. Apart from my love for their menu and the taste of their meals, their restaurants just seem to have an aura i haven't yet experienced in any other.

So I gave myself a challenge this month, to bring out an artistic imagery of three of my favorite smoothies that I love to take while I'm there. I love the outcome, despite a few hiccups and mistakes that did while compiling, editing and compositing the different images I used.
Each image contains the ingredients used to make the smoothie, well, at least as per what their menu says :).

A better way to have pulled this, would have been through 3D modelling and compositing or I think photography or illustration using other softwares in the Adobe suite. 
ArtCaffe Smoothie Imagery

ArtCaffe Smoothie Imagery

smoothie imagery
