Poetry from the Future

It is time to turn, fine sirs,  and to shed skin brothers

Look, simply, to the sky and see it not as a passive beast of nature

See it as a companion, an ally with adamance.

It is time to let flesh fall and through true genesis

Become glass and crystal and mortar.

Accept that the sky,

In its liminal order

Is more similar to what we could be,

Rather than what we are

Or were

It has turned our teeth to amalgams

Our bones to metal

Our vasculature to sweet silicon.

Let us burn across the universe

Spread slag and spit hell-fire

Lets the cosmos stir

Look to the sky, look to the sky

Fine sir’s

David Gunderson

A motion design board for a poem about becoming cyborgs.


A design board for an animation about becoming cyborgs.
