The Shape Shifter (60 x 90+70 cm )
Last Day Of The Triceraptus (60 x 90+70 cm)
Eden In A Vacuum (70x100 cm)
Aeneid (70x100 cm)
Deep Dive (70x110 cm)
Holy Elephant (100x100 cm)
Superbike (80x120 cm)
Urban Meta 2.0 (30x30x30x30x30x30 cm)
Fauna Terminated (70x140 cm)
Scuba Heaven (70x90 cm)
Stream Of Consciousness (70x130 cm)
Alexithymia (97x130 cm)

Cardio Reconfiguration (70x130 cm)
Ignis Fatuus

Ignis Fatuus


Creative Fields