C. Monika Koch's profile

World of Difference UK 2012 - Suffolk Wildlife Trust

Communication Design Assistant
My brief was to design various print materials within the Suffolk Wildlife Trust's visual brand guidelines; create kid's activities and resources for the Trust's participation on some big regional summer events; and design all print materials for Suffolk's first Outdoor Learning Conference, a joint event of 12 organisations. 

Meine Aufgaben waren u. a. die Entwicklung von Event-Aktivitäten und Gestaltung von Informationsmaterial zur Unterstützung der Wildlife Trust Kampagne 'Living Seas'; die Ausarbeitung von vielfältigen Arbeitsmitteln für das pädagogischen Team mit dem Brand Toolkit des Suffolk Wildlife Trust; sowie das Design aller Druckunterlagen für Suffolk's erste Outdoor Learning Konferenz. Das Projekt wurde finanziert von der Vodafone Foundation als Teil des World of Difference UK Programmes.
A4 poster for the Suffolk Show; starfish photo © C. Monika Koch
Development and design of an A4 trail handout, with space to complete the "Which creature is it?" questionnaire and a "Spot the Starfish" challenge
Poster for trail station 2 - The printed A4 sheet has to be folded, the clues are at the front. Full picture and name are hidden on the back, to be revealed only when turned over.
Poster for trail station 4 - The A4 sheet has to be folded to A5 for use
Display poster to signalise an activity place
Activity tent in the Conservation Area at the Suffolk Show; photo © C. Monika Koch
Lesser Black-backed Gull Glider; colour-in and cut-out activity for shows and festivals
Poster to signalise an activity zone
4 meter long banner to indicate the entrance to the Trust's activity area at festivals
Poster to signalise the pond dipping zone; font and frog are part of the Trust's brand toolkit 
One of 16 A4 posters from the Nocturnal Animal Trail for school activities
Another poster from the Nocturnal Animal Trail
Poster to signalise the bug hunting zone at shows, festivals or family events
A5 advertisment flyer for Suffolk's first Outdoor Learning Conference
A4 programme handout for Suffolk's first Outdoor Learning Conference
Outside of the double-sided A4 SEEN Directory
Inside of the double-sided A4 SEEN Directory
Photo shoot with the small group of winners from East Anglia at the gathering of the 500 World of Difference UK Winners in February 2012
World of Difference UK 2012 - Suffolk Wildlife Trust

World of Difference UK 2012 - Suffolk Wildlife Trust
