Ny(ttig)norsk is a self-initiated project that I did in my 2nd year to encourage 15/16-year-old Norwegian students who already have learned Nynorsk (a written standard of the Norwegian language) for 10 years, to continue learning and using it. My design solution is a tour where Norwegian professionals who use Nynorsk in their work and Norwegian musicians who sing in their own dialects, visit schools all over the country. At each school, they will talk about the benefits of properly mastering Nynorsk, but mainly, the tour is about creating positive associations to Nynorsk by showing the kids a good time.

Here is a leaflet that I made for schools to hand out to their students ahead of the tour to get them excited about the event, and to provide them with a schedule for the day of fun that awaits them.
Front page.
Event schedule.
Interview with a Nynorsk role model, Kari Traa. Disclaimer: this is not from a legit interview.
Left: "What?? Are you considering changing languages?"
Right: Six good reasons to continue learning Nynorsk.
Interview with Nynorsk role model and Stand-up comedian, Are Kalvø. Disclaimer: this is not from a legit interview.
Left: Test to find out if you should continue learning Nynorsk or not.
Right: "roup pressure? Be strong and stand up for your language".
Interview with Norwegian musician, Tone Damli, who sings in her own dialect. Disclaimer: this is not from a legit interview.
back page
The idea behind the design is to combine traditional, Norwegian elements (rose paint patterns, swirly headlines and Munch paintings) with young, fresh and bold elements (bright colours, bold typography, graffiti and emojis).
The look of the stage.
Instagram account (not all of the images are my own), and close up to a social media competition post.
When persuading teenagers, it is important to connect with them on platforms that they use a lot already. Ny(ttig)norsk will therefore run an Instagram account where students can participate in competitions to win cool merchandise, and interact with their favorite celebrities through live shows and direct messaging. This Instagram account will remind the students of the advantages of learning and using Nynorsk both before and after the tour is visiting their school.
Ny(ttig)norsk Tour

Ny(ttig)norsk Tour
