from Morocco
The Moroccan food and culinary traditions are valuable and very reasonable. The plates often extremely lovers of detail, are based on a diet of meat and candies. The typical specialties include: harira, a rich soup, sweet empanada with meat of dove done with dozens of layers different from thick escamosa mass. Cuscus, a plate based on the semola combined with egg, chicken, lamb or vegetables. The Famous Tajine, rich and fragant, using lamb or chicken. stuffed chicken of muhammar of djaja of almonds, semola and raisins. Also the popular mchoui, roasted meat of sheep, and the candies of the kab-el-ghzal, almond.

Watch this cool Documentary about Morocco Food made by - Andrew Zimmern from Bizarre Food - Travel Channel
Petit Tajine avec des pommes de terre, Olives, tomates, Viande
SmaLittle Tajine with Potatoes, tomatos, and Meat.
Morceaux de Pizza, Faite par ma mére.
Pieces of pizza, Made by my mother.
Thé Vert chaud
Hot Green Tea
Morocco Foods

Morocco Foods

Moroccan Foods


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