Complicated No 2
We're the only creatures who've evolved mentally enough to be able to study ourselves, and study our brains. Ironically enough, In order for us to have achieved this, our brains got so complicated, that we can't fully understand them.
Complicated No 1
We live in a world now, that as a child was so much different. We're born as blank slates, everything's simple, and it takes very little to make us happy. But we're born into this clusterfuck, and everything's more complicated than it has to be. Here's the ironic part... the universe we're in is really a projection of our own perceptions, our own ideas, and our own inventions. The very source of our own confusion lies within our own selves, while we find ourselves asking...

why are things so complicated?
Scrapped Shapes Used: "Anush"


Why are things so complicated
