MY Care
Personal care branding & packaging concept

In a world where self is centre... How personal can you get?
I am selfish when it comes to personal care. I often hide the best ones, so I can keep them all to myself. Its all about me and what I want. No one else need any say in it. 
We know skin can be quite tricky. And even if we do find a body wash that fits our every need they often smell and look very dull.

MY Care let's you indulge in yourself and treat your body (and skin) like a temple.
We combine all those great attributes from various products in to one range where you can pick and choose what fits you best.
Choose from a whole rainbow of products!

My Care is designed to be the perfect fit. Your one true match.
The product comes in two parts you click together. One part focusing on aeroma and scent, the other on the technical fit for your skin. Then, voila. True Love.
