Multiplayer FPS Shooter
The game has local multiplayer support . This allows you to play with people over the same wifi network.
This  map was created with the unity terain tool. I decided to use this tool to create an island for the player to walk in.
When the game starts it adds you to a list of players.
The game has mutliple weapons one of them is the flamethrower.
It uses  a Raycast to detect the location and the person who the flamethrower touches. It then spawns particles on the location you hit the enemy.
This system  turns on using your playername then comparing your name in a for statement. It then uses a switch statement to invoke different functions for different players.
It invokes the different commands that stop and start the flamethrower. With ClientRPC it sends it from the server to the client.
The other weapon in this game is the blunderbuss this shoot bullets. It spawns them on the server and client side. 
It uses a command to send it to the server so that all players can see the bullet.
The character has hp when you get hit by a bullet or fire. If you lose all of your hp you will be respawned at a random location.
You can swap your weapons so that you can have the flamethrower and the gun. 
It sends its current state to the game controller to see what you currently have and it will change it to the one you don't have.
When you get into the water you are able to swim around to get everywhere on the map.
It checks if you are underneath or above the water so that it can change to the opposite side.
When you are underwater the water flips to show you the water.
The game uses baked lighting to make the game look better without performance loss.
Island FPS

Island FPS

This is a multiplayer first person shooter. This is made for a school project by 1 person in 4 weeks.


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