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novum 01.17 »graphics in film«

novum 01.17 »graphics in film«

»Graphics for film« is the topic of this month’s novum + and we present corporate identities, animation films and interviews.
Film and graphic design have a lot in common. There are great corporate identities to be found like the one for Distrito Films, designed by Anagrama. But there are also a lot of fantastic animation films or unusual trailers for television. The title sequences Henry Hobson designed for the Oscars open the heart of any graphic designer and Salon Alpin created wonderful pieces of art using plasticine and paper. Have a look at 16 pages of »graphics for film« – curtains up!
In our Showroom we invite readers to visit Studio Daad in s'Hertogenbosch and Atto in Milan. We take a closer look the new identity of robot builder KUKA and pay a visit to Aberjung in Eastern Tyrol. Ungestrichen from Krefeld charms with reduced graphics and Polish illustrator Katarzyna Surman-Pusz invites our readers to her colorful universe. 

The paper
For the cover of this issue we chose the uncoated paper Aspero bright, a volume paper with a relatively rough surface. This contrasts nicely with the hot foil in shimmering gold and shiny black.

The design of the cover
The design of the cover was done by Mexican studio Anagrama. The inspiration came from film awards and movie posters.

Copies of this issue can be bougth here

Cover design: Anagrama (MEX),
Paper: Aspero bright in 300 g/qm by Geese,
Print finishing: hot foil stamping with metallic gold and black, Forum Prägefolien Veredelung,
Offset printing: F&W Druck-und Mediencenter GmbH,  

Photos: Dominic Brighton, 

novum 01.17 »graphics in film«

novum 01.17 »graphics in film«

Graphic design magazine, this issue focuses on graphics in film
