Emirates Airlines  |  These images were produced to create awareness about the launch of their first long haul flights to the U.S. I sourced one of the best photographers from London Mr. Paddy Eckersley and shot the images at AirBus' production plant in Toulouse.
HSBC - Credit Cards |  The following campaign was done to correct the perception people had about the product, where they felt there's no difference between HSBC cards and other bank's credit cards.
Nestle POLO  |  Series of bus shelter displays done for POLO tripping on its unique form along with hinting the freshness angle at times.
The following creative was put up when India's favourite cricketing icon Sachin Tendulkar (Jersey No 10) was struggling to reach his 100th century.
The following creative replaced the one above when Sachin Tendulkar completed his 100th century.
BILT Premium Notebooks  |  Print and OOH encouraging people to carry notebooks to capture their ideas.
BILT - Quality papers for copiers  |  Posters put up in smoking areas of offices discussing disastrous effects of inferior quality papers that can jam your printers, give you tensed moments, and thereby increase your craving for nicotine blah...blah...with wry humour but presented in the garb of a serious warning message.
AVANTHA Masters  |  Announcing the opening of Avantha Masters Golf tournament
Green Decowood  |  A campaign showcasing the great finish one gets for the interiors which no one can take their eyes off from. This was the first time the brand ventured into 3D imaging when the technology was still in its infancy in India, based on our recommendation.
INDIA TOURISM  |  A campaign promoting tourism for a country that makes a long lasting impression on tourists. Even after one has exited, a part of India would still exist in her/him.
SOCIAL AWARENESS  |  In India, people have a bad habit of inscribing their names on the walls of national monuments and defacing them. These wanted posters were placed against the walls with names of the vandals etched by the vandals themselves to drive home the point that this act is a crime. It also encouraged people to report and prevent such acts, whenever they saw one. This work got published in prestigious WORK BOOK - 06
A poster for the play Othello. It had an actual burn mark in the middle of the poster signifying the life condition of Othello. A small speck of doubt that cropped up in him burnt him inside out.


Advertising print work
