Andre S.'s profile

Campaign: Greenpeace #TheCostOfTuna

André S., Graphic Design and
Shawn A., Copywriting

Prototype/concept campaign for Greenpeace oceans institutional campaign. The goal is to have people sign a petition about the controversially lucrative commerce of animal species endangered of extinction.

#TheCostOfTuna campaign is inspired by the power that Greenpeace has to present their campaigns in appealing shocking ways. This intrigues people and makes them read and think deeper about environmental issues.

Poster application on a bus stop, and on the back of magazines such as National Geographic as "fake-covers":
A microsite with all the information about the campaign and a call to action to sign the petition online:
Google ads banner as a mimicry of an ordinary ad:
Social media post with the look and feel of common fashion publications:
The first e-mail for all the Greenpeace supporters database:
Campaign: Greenpeace #TheCostOfTuna


Campaign: Greenpeace #TheCostOfTuna

This project is a collaboration: designed by André Sato and written by Shawn Ang. Image Attribution: F@shion adept de la mode / photo on Flickr M Read More
