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Holistic Home system

A new smart water dispenser and doctor consulting service at homes
Designed for 2017~2018 for launch

Holistic Design
= Product + UX + Service Integration

People of the modern world face a contradiction, they are more informed and aware of their health but have less time than ever to attend to their health needs. Health supplements have become a common solution to this problem. However it is difficult for average person to know what supplements to take, and how much.

This home system uses the tremendous amount of information stored in a user’s urine to automatically generate a beverage containing everything the user’s body needs. The system can immediately know the user’s health condition, illness and nutrition information every day and every moment.

The home system can also connect the user with a doctor to who will be able to provide an informed consultation, all over a simple to use mobile app.

Holistic Home system

Holistic Home system

A new smart water dispenser and doctor consulting service at homes
