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Pudding E Christmas Card

Christmas E Card for Pudding Branding Agency
The concept behind this E Christmas card was to create a motion design piece that added a little bit of sparkle & Christmas magic to someones day. I wanted to create a little Christmas feeling for established clients and showcase the potential that creating a motion design piece can offer. I created a piece that centres around strong, traditional and iconic Christmas images yet presents them in a stylised and contemporary way.
Taking the original client logos from their individual websites, bringing them into Illustrator to vectorise and clean them up.Then in to Photoshop to colourise and insert into the bauble shapes I had created. Selecting complimentary bauble colour backgrounds to suit the client logos, and also staying within a Christmas colour palette.
Having to redraw, reimagine and recreate these strong traditional images but illustrate them in a contemporary way I chose simple shapes and tried to portray them in an impactful and concise visual approach.
Each bauble contains the clients logo and/or brand name. The sparkle trails provide illumination and cast a magical spell over each of the brands. The brands are joined together by the sparkle and magic, energised they become more ethereal and change to stars. Some of the baubles move toward the 'Pudding' bauble. As clients of 'Pudding' this defines their unity with the Pudding brand and as individual brand ambassadors. They energise the 'Pudding' bauble, this is a positive and illuminating reaction.
Reimagining 'Pudding' logo in number of ways that still tie in with over all Christmas theme. Keeping the original logo typeface but containing it within a bauble and staying true to the blue colour scheme of the brand but giving it a slight lift. Replacing the loose Pudding border with a harder more defined sphere..that supports the bauble image and helps centre the typeface/logo.
Pudding E Christmas Card

Pudding E Christmas Card

E Christmas card for Pudding Branding Agency
