David Steiman's profile

Feliz Navidad / Merry Christmas

"Feliz Navidad" Busca, desde la perspectiva personal del autor, poner en evidencia la crudeza y miseria con la que convivimos día a día. En una sociedad cada vez mas materialista, robotizada y deshumanizada. En donde el extremo capitalismo y consumismo masivo hacen estragos. Dejando una triste e imborrable postal de, en lo que como humanos, nos hemos convertido.

"Merry Christmas" It seeks, from the personal perspective of the author, to highlight the crudeness and misery with which we live day by day. In an increasingly materialistic, robotized and dehumanized society. Where the extreme capitalism and massive consumerism complete the sad panorama. Leaving us a crude and unforgettable postcard of what as humans we have become.

Feliz Navidad / Merry Christmas

Feliz Navidad / Merry Christmas

"Merry Christmas - Feliz Navidad." It seeks, from the personal perspective of the author, to highlight the crudeness and misery with which we liv Read More
