Studio Nucleo's profile



Primitive as primary geometric figures.
Primitive as computer language called the simplest solidobjects.
Primitive as, in English, are defined original, coarse andwild objects.

Primitive aims to fragment and destruct. To reduceaggregated forms to elementary geometry.
Nothing more andnothing less than volume, crucial and bearing structure, strength and vitalconsistency of materials.
Nucleo makesunrepeatable and one-off objects: divans, armchairs, tables, lamps, andbookcases are made entirely by hand
without the use ofmould and are finished with non-toxic resins that reveal all marks andimperfections.

related events
Fuori Salone, Milan. “Point of origin”. 14th – 19th Aprile 2010.
The Aram Gallery, London. “Prototypes and Experiments IV” January 21st – March 6th 2010.
Galerie Italienne, Paris. “Primitive”. January 8th – February 6th 2010.
Artissima, Lingotto Fiere, Turin. November 6th – 8th 2009.
100%Design, Designersblock, London. “Torino design attitude”. Septembe24th – 27th 2009.
Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin. “LocalDesignShop”. May 5th – 18th 2009.

design by Nucleo _ Piergiorgio Robino + Stefania Fersini + Alice C. Occleppo + Daniele Ragazzo


Primitive as primary geometric figures. Primitive as computer language called the simplest solid objects. Primitive as, in English, are defined Read More
