YOD Group's profile

Oysters Cava Bar

Interior Design
Oysters Cava Bar

location: Ocean Plaza SEC,176 Antonovycha St., Kyiv, Ukraine
category: food court
area: 75, 54 m2
status: realized in 2016
photo: Andrey Avdeenko
graphic design: PRAVDA design


An unusual Oysters Cava Bar opened in Ocean Plaza SEC. The bar gives an opportunity to enjoy fresh oysters and a glass of Cava sparkling wine, produced in Catalonia. The place is located on the ground floor of the mall near 300-ton aquarium.
Oysters Cava Bar is surrounded by a fence of transparent tempered glass and divided into two functional areas: guests' area and bar area. Sofas with planting inside are at the heart of the guests' area, creating a sensation of natural environment. A specific three-meter high aquarium with ten separate sections is stylishly integrated into the bar counter. Fresh oysters delivered every day are stored here. The bar counter is surrounded by the areas for wine installation. There are additional bar stools for guests on both sides of the bar.
Designers were challenged to create a warm cozy atmosphere in the cold mall. It became possible by using planting and natural materials such as wood, black painted metal and glass.  
Oysters Cava Bar

Oysters Cava Bar

Oysters Cava Bar
