Design the identity and exhibition collateral for an art exhibit titled "Strange Bedfellows: Fascism and Futurism."

The exhibit will explore the typography and symbols that accompanied both the Fascist
and Futurist movement in Italy between 1909-1944.

Inspired by the movements fascination in the disruptive-in particular, the collaged type works of Filippo T Marinetti-simplified images and type were utilised to reflect the system breakdown associated with 1920's Europe.

To symbolise both movements, I incorporated its key figures-Benito Mussolini, the leader
of the Fascist movement and Filippo T Marinetti, the pioneer of Futurism, into the design. 

The outcome, a personification of how these movements have permanently influenced the
modern world of design.

Strange Bedfellows

Strange Bedfellows

Design a catalogue, Commemorative Poster and Merchandise for an art exhibit on Fascism and Futurism titled “Strange Bedfellows”. Through extensi Read More
