Ellen Kerbey's profile

Orchard Pig Packaging Design & Marketing Campaign

Orchard Pig Cider, packaging design and marketing campaign.

As part of my second year at university we all took part in the YCN awards, I chose the Orchard Pig brief which was to get Orchard Pig Cider 'out there' and advertise the business in whatever way you seem fitting. I chose to do this by re-designing their packaging on their bottles in a more vibrant fashion to increase shelf presence, I also created a campaign for them to hit Glastonbury this year and increase the size of their audience. The packaging design was designed with the shape of a pig in mind, I used hand drawn typography and clever formatting to fit all of the label information onto the bottle. I created a sketch of what their base camp should look like at Glasto, and other marketing stunts they could do whilst they're there, for example have a HUGE model of a pig in the center of a field with the logo on it, people would be taking photos and sharing the image of the pig for a week non-stop! To run alongside this I create flyers advertising a deal of 3 for 2 cider when you tweet about the company at the festival. The catchy strapline 'give us an oink' I thought was really clever and would stick in peoples mind when they tweet about them.

Orchard Pig Packaging Design & Marketing Campaign

Orchard Pig Packaging Design & Marketing Campaign

Orchard Pig Cider, packaging design and marketing campaign.
