Judy Lee's profile

AMP: Happy Endigs

“AMP: Happy Endigs” is about defining and calling out the typical stereotype of being Asian American women in American culture.

In the white dominate culture, feminism is a largely talked about issue, yet Asian American communities and especially women are rarely acknowledged. Asian American women are stereotypically viewed under sexual fettish subjects with no standing in the well respected stand in the society (this is also supported by porn industry as well which highly emphasizing the asian fettish).  I do realize that it does land upon that understanding due to the historical background with Vietnam and Korean war where a lot of American service men took advantages of local women. Yet from that historical reference I believe that has sprouted the stereotypical view of asian women which confine the asian american women of the current culture under certain persona. For such multiracial and cultural world that we are in today, and yet still to be viewed as submissive, bowing down to patriarchy, because our ideas and opinions does not matter, is repulsive and extremely damaging to self esteem of asian women especially in America. Even in main stream media today, a lot of Asian women roles are being taken up by white American actresses, ultimately whitewashing Asian characters. It brings up the notion that Asian women are not a good enough for these roles (ex. Scarlett Johansson for Ghost in the Shell, Emma Stone for Aloha, and Tilda Swinton for Doctor Strange).

The installation consists portraits of successful Asian America women such as Elaine L. Chao, the first Asian American to serve in cabinet level position of Secretary of Labor, Michelle Kwan, a five time world champion figure skater and two time Olympic medalist, Mazie Hirono, the first Asian American female U.S senator and Zhang Ziyi, award-winning world famous actress (also ironic for she played lead role in the film, “Memoirs of a Geisha”).  

Asian Massage Parlor industry is estimated around $1 Billion dollar industry.
There are approximately 1,200 AMP open in New York City alone.
AMP: Happy Endigs

AMP: Happy Endigs

Installation, 2016
