My second student's project was make poster for the book about space.

All students got some fact about space. We had two limits - used only typography (without illustrations, graphic objects) and used only one font - Proxima Nova.

My fact was:
All of us made of a star dust.
After the Big Bang, the tiny particles are connected to hydrogen and helium.Then, in a very hot and dense centers of stars, they have teamed to create the elements, including iron. Since humans and other animals, and most of the matter includes these elements, we can say that we are made of a star dust.

I thought about the periodic table, chemical formulas, handmade patterns, nebulae and galaxies.
Then I found the same letters in the words ‘duST’ and ‘STar’, and decided to allocate them. It seemed symbolic that we are dust and stars at the same time.
Also, some of the letters fall from the main - thus I wanted to show that everything is made of small particles.




