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Sprocket Navigation Evolution - Android

The future for navigating around our increasingly deepening app. Figured out this top-tab-drawer-navigation system based on what Medium and Google Play Store apps are already doing by referencing its two tabs in the drawer.
+ gives our bicyclists a passive reminder with actions to promote us any time they navigate anywhere :D
The current design for Sprocket as of 1.4 peer-2-peer bicycle marketplace build.
1st Tab shows Sprocket Blog feed, 2nd Tab is the Marketplece, 3rd Tab is Collections (contains your sale bike search)
The app-wide Search FAB opens up the green search screen to look up any bicycle in our huge database!
This was the G+ style database search bar before I figured out the search FAB.
While initial prototypes and research showed promise, shipping it and following up with cyclists revealed several flaws such as learnability and reachability. + unlike the app-wide FAB this bar was only accessable on the top-level app activity.
Until Sprocket had a working server delivering bicycle information the placeholder 1.2 app just showed the Instagram Blog.
In 1.1 the placeholder app used a webview pointed at with detail pages and minimal Holo UI.
Screenshots of the original app that was coded to take up the name space on Google Play.
Initially we did not know what to put up so we made a compass app, but the code was so shoddy that all 4 test devices showed north in different directions. :P I decided to code a webview and pointed it at the Tumblr mirror of Sprocket Blog. Thats how it all started in 2014!
Check out the current Android build of Sprocket Bicycle Marketplace on Google Play
Sprocket Navigation Evolution - Android

Sprocket Navigation Evolution - Android

I have been designing out the app-wide navigation system UX as the app has continued to grow with changing business requirements. I've arrived a Read More
