The face of ageing Africa.An Africa built on broken dreams,shattered by the deceit of the government, the people.In 90 years, 90 promises have been broken, yet we march on as a Nation, united in grief, unbridled by the by the challenges of tomorrow.A nation thriving on chaos.Feeding on disorder while trying to bear fruits of labour.
The generalistOne day he preaches, the other he fixes roofs and mends fences.Another, he prays then heads off to the market to sell yam.Today, he is a camera man, ready to capture those moments dear to you.Tomorrow, I wonder what he will be ?The life of a "pastor".
What sort of future does Nigeria have in store for the next generation ?Is it more market places where vendors all sell the same the same items ? Or is it something more, something tangible and real ?
Old soul 1 - The feel of Oyo is great, it's a very nostalgic place, an old town that's stood the test of time, full of memories and old souls enjoying their twilight years in somber peace.
We are taught to fear We are taught to fear our own We are taught to fear our own while we hide away in our homes; windows laden with mesh and steel rods
We regress in darknessNepa is crucial to our growth Yet it fails to grasp the seriousness of our need for light, for the natural ability to see.What are it's demands? What are it's needs? Maybe we can adhere, perhaps then, we can finally have sight.
Every great nation stands on the bones of their forefathers. They stand boldly and proudly on the toils and struggles of their mothers. Could we be the generation that the next generation stands on for excellence ?Could we be the generation that is trampled on for a nation to rise to greatness ?Are we, The Diaspora, the hope.
These goats keep chasing me!They must think i'm here to stay.They must wonder who is this stranger in blueWho is yearning to fill his curiosity.
Nigeria needs - Africa needs Nigeria needs revolutionists It needs investments It needs knowledgeIt needs the truth, not half baked promises of milk and honey but hard facts.Hard facts to swallow, hard facts to fill it's stomach so that it may know that this is where we are, at the moment, but not where we hope to be.
This picture says a lot about my experience of Nigeria. It is a country plagued with deception, poor to nonexistent sewage system, illiteracy, failing infrastructure, lack of family planning, idol worshiping, ardent generalist who lack an ounce of professionalism, fraudsters, crook,money chasing individuals whose lips practice deceit daily yet... There's hope! That hope is thinly wrapped in the next generation. The new generation who aren't clothed in deception, whose vision haven't been shrouded in deceits and lies. They sincerely chase after God, education, fairness and equality. Those that are privileged enough to go to school relish the opportunity to go and better themselves for the future of our great nation. The land is blessed, agriculturally sound, full of green pastoral land that is screaming for people with the know how to come and culture it. How crucial is it for Africa's (it's) own children in the diaspora of the world to come Home. Come and nurture the land for a tomorrow.
How can we claim to see when the Gospel, Islam, Traditionalism and Culture are all meshed into one. Religion thrives because it promises a tomorrow, a tomorrow that is different from the present reality. These ideologies are all supposed to provide freedom, yet look where we are ?
I traveled to find myself only to realize that I wasn't lost.I just hadn't seen the realities of others lives.Let's not forget, even though we are here, they are there.In there struggles and challenges, going through events that we cannot imagine.
The simple life isn't so simple .There are people to meet, people to greet, people to feed. -The cow fed a community-
Classic Singer sewing machinesmanual, man operated but Magical.The outfits that are made using this relic of the past in present day Nigeria are a sight to see.


The face of ageing Africa. An Africa built on broken dreams,shattered by the deceit of the government, the people. In 90 years, 90 promises hav Read More


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