Come closer
Hey, I have something to say
But, you have to come closer
Everyday, I tell myself that everything will be alright
That no matter what happens, do not give up
However, I do not want this to happen forever
There is something that we deserve more than this
We have been going around the circles for a long time,
And happiness keeps running on and on
Then, it is about time
Happiness is a reward
For those who are brave,
For us.
Therefore, if you made up your mind
Would you regret ? People change easily
Would you be afraid of failure ? Everything is not a piece of cake as always
Why do we have to think that much? Just do it. Be brave
Here is a photoshoot taken on 25th February, 2015.
At first, it was just a way I wanted to keep the memory of these souvenirs before giving them to my boyfriend.
We've been having distance relationship for a while.
And he's planning to move to my city for business and I am really happy.
It's like counting every day passes.
It is the reason for such these kinds of stuffs.
Hope that he would see it someday,
And smile.
Come closer
and a little bit more
come closer


come closer

come closer all by @rluzbabe
