Fortuna is a social platform that lets users share their fortunes carefree! It provides much functionality on the web like in depth profiles and image popularity. It also enables users on mobile devices to record their fortunes as they happen in life.
Discover who's using Fortuna
The webpage below is where users discover what fortunes theri friends are sharing and like comment and rate those fortunes.

On your Fortuna profile you'll be able to seemlessly click through all of your posted photos and really get a sense out how people are interacting with your posts. Are people simply liking them? Making predictions? It's really up to the user what things can spark in this context.
Upload your Fortunes
Uploading and adding to the collection of images is what keeps Fortuna running. Users select files from their drives and upload them to their account and add the details. They can further add tags and stories tocatch the eyes of other viewers and help the content of the site reallyget where it needs to go.
Fortuna Mobile App
The mobile application offers lightweight features like simple browsing, friends and profile and mobile uploading. The uploading process is done by adding the all the details to go along with your fortune. The social side of Fortuna is lush with your current friends, people nearby and celebrities that you have the choice to follow. Lastly Fortuna offers customization of the user’s profile and notifications.


Fortuna is a fortune sharing site based around the world of social networking. The site provides a highly-capable service that combines itself wi Read More
