Project "22 handprints" or "Made in Prague College" based on the upcoming event in British University in Prague. Every year our university is making exhibition for Art&Design students. This time on my course were 22 people and my idea of    the poster based on handprints of all 22 students. I think it's very important for everyone to participate in design of the poster for the show. So each of the student could leave their handprint. Poster is unique in that way that no one can repeat handprints of our students. Every handprint is basically unique and unrepeatable. And the interesting point is that people looking on the poster see completely different stuff. Magic imagination. 
The process of the work is preety simple. We made a handprints on the paper, scanned them and played in Photoshop with position. One of the most important thing I used is mirrow effect which is reminding here psychological ink test.  


Handprints poster for the 2nd Final Show in Prague College
