The purpose of this project was to focus on enhancing our digital skills using Photoshop and Indesign. The brief was to create a zine to tell you about a person. I chose Coco Chanel as I have an interest in fashion illustration and have always been interested in her accomplishments and how she changed fashion. For my Zine I chose to use a combination of hand made drawings and digital techniques. 
Another part of the brief was to create postcards and a poster. For my postcard I chose to take a different direction than I had with my zine and so the imagery has been created by digital painting using my Wacom tablet.  
Double page spreads from the zine:
Coco Chanel Zine

Coco Chanel Zine

The brief for this project was 'Tell me about a person'. I chose Coco Chanel because i was fascinated by her achievements and how she shaped 20th Read More
