For this project, I received a kid's artwork of a monster and had to recreate that monster. I wanted to make my monster very similar to the kid's monster because I didn't want them to say "Wow, that looks nothing like my monster." I wanted them to look at their same monster in a new setting so that they can further define their monster. 
As for making the monster similar to the kid's monster, I used the same colors and shapes. All I did to alter the monster in any way was the texture of the monster. I tried to make the texture a little more realistic. The head is a good example of this. I put a lot of effort into making the fur all over the monster's face. I also really like my medal because I like the way it looks as if a light source is shining on it. I wasn't sure if the tic-tac-toe board on the monster represented scales but I made the monster have scales anyway.
I came up with a theme after a little mental trip back to the third grade when I read a bunch of books. One of my favorite series was The Bailey School Kids. So, made the monster a part of the series. The title of the book was created when I looked at the arms of the monster in the original. They were all waving around as if it was dancing. So, there you go..."Monsters Don't Dance."
Monster Project

Monster Project

A recreation of a kid's monster
