Generation Intern
The company where you can be an intern at any age, this is a way for all generations to connect with each other. To learn from each other only do us good. Through Generation Intern any company who needs help or thinks that it would be nice with a fresh breeze can sign up. Sometimes an old experience could be a new one.
The first page of the visual communication for Generation Intern focus on the logotype. It forms the shape of a puzzel piece which stands for connection. The colored lines symbolizes the different generations.
In the second page of the visual communication for Generation Intern the focus lies on the content of the communication. In this case it is ”speak, see & listen”. A known symbol for this are the three wise monkeys. This will be recognized of all generations.

Generation intern

Generation intern

Generation Intern The company where you can be an intern at any age, this is a way for all generations to connect with each other. To learn from Read More
