2D art
These are some 2D drawings I've done just to give people an idea on what I can do. I was a very good artist in high school. I used all kinds of art mediums including charcoal, oil paint, pastels, watercolor, etc. My drawing skills are excellent but I can admit that I have trouble with drawing figures. I'm currently working on drawing people and making sure the proportion is stable. I currently have about 5 sketchbooks. It's difficult to photograph sketches but I will post them in here upon request only.
 I hope this one picture doesn't turn anyone away or scare them from me. This is one of my favorite characters from the characters i created to make an "imaginary" narrative/ comic.
Here are all the characters I created for a comic. Unfortunately, I never finished the comic and hardly started it.
This is my design of a 3D character that will be in my next animated short. I wanted a simple design so to really focus on the animation. The character's name is LENNY.
There are two designs for the main character in the same animated short as LENNY. This is PieROE, and he can be either a box form or this more smoother form. Again, I'm trying to get a simple shape for this character in order to focus more on the animation.
This was the first credits animation I did. I did this in my second year in college. The music may be of poor quality but I think the animation turned out pretty well. I could always make some changes to it and improve it somehow. I used programs such as Adobe After Effects, ToonBoom Animate, and TV Paint.
2D Art and Design

2D Art and Design

These are some independent drawings I've done to enhance my portfolio. I did these before going to college.
