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A post from my Blog

Are you creative? Do you projectile shoot creative juices out of all your openings? Quick.. quick do something creative! If you have heard any of these lines you know where I m coming from. The whole world views creative minds as super heroes because they have the “answers” to everything.  God forbid you don’t then you aren’t the golden goose you are just a goose and by Christmas you will be dinner. Not to sound depressing actually i m here to put those people in their place creativity is not a gift from god or krypton it does not come in a pill it can’t be bought because wait for it!
We are all f**king born with it but at some point we lost it. Children are the most creative just watch them. Their minds are blind to limitations that are gradually programmed in them by the  you can’t society before long your  creativity is stolen by the witch we call adulthood. Safe for a handful of children masquerading as adults by day and creative minds by night fighting the you can’t society to leaving golden eggs in the hearts and minds of the rest of the world. Make no mistake it’s no picnic just because you are creative doesn’t mean you will be great. It’s kind of like having the most money at the bar it doesn’t mean you will leave with the pretty girl. it takes work like everything else in this world your inner child must be fed to grow. And damn he or she gets hungry a lot so FEED IT!
Like any super hero a creative has his arch nemesis ours is the you “can’t” society. The you “can’t” society are everywhere like mobile money or bad judgement. They are reading this right now and going what nonsense as they lead their boring uneventful lives “dreams are for dreams” they say . The you can’t society is not to be underestimated they have agents everywhere in schools, churches, clubs, bars and even in your own FAMILY! The you can’t society feed off the doubt that nests in every creative mind am i good enough? Or   am I just kidding myself? My antidote for this is to tell myself I m Morgan Freeman
Morgan freeman is one of the greatest actors of our time or anytime considering, but he only got his big break when he was close to 50. The road of a creative is hard I won’t lie to you but it is our duty as creatives to share our genius yes genius with the world because without creatives there would be no world just a bunch of cave people waiting for a miracle wheel and a magical fire. Creatives own the world 100 years from now when you are dust will your song still be playing on someone’s Ipad 500, or will your painting be on display in the museum or some illuminant’s fancy pants Study, or will children be studying one of your books in literature that has been made into an Oscar winning movie.
Or you could quit now and go work for the you can’t society. I heard they pay well if that’s what floats your boat.
A post from my Blog

A post from my Blog

i tried my hand at this blogging thing take a read at my site at who knows you might actually enjoy it


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