I remember
I remember when my daughter first put on her glasses...
A Place...
Lurking 伺機
Indochinese tiger was declared extinct in Cambodia two days ago. Last seen on camera was 2007. The conservationists and local government are working on a plan to reintroduce them into the protected forestland. Wish something similar could have been done for Formosan clouded leopard, which was declared extinct two years ago.
柬埔寨境內的印度支那虎在 2007 年後失去蹤跡,兩天前終於宣告絕跡。環保人士與當地政府正努力積極規劃培育計畫。真希望台灣雲豹也能這樣。
From Antarctica to Africa, penguins are facing extinction...
Random I

Random I

Just some random thoughts....
