Stars Over Texas
This picture was taken in the Sam Houston National Forest.
Aperature: f/4
Focus: Infinity
Shutter Speed: 20 seconds
Focal Length: 24mm
ND: Clear
ISO: ISO2000
White Balance: 3200k
This is a self portrait of me doing one of my favorite hobbies photography.

Aperature: f/4
Focus: 30ft
Shutter Speed: 1/60
Focal Length: Z99
ND: Clear
Milk Rapids
Here is a high speed photo of milk being poured into a bowl.

Aperature: f/4
Focus: 3ft
Shutter Speed: 1/500
Focal Length: Z52
ND: Clear
ISO: ISO3200
White Balance: 3200k
Placid Dock
This is a landscape photo of a dock on the lake I live by.

Aperature: f/16
Focus: Infinity
Shutter Speed: 1/60
Focal Length: Z04
ND: 1/4ND
ISO: ISO1000
White Balance: 6000k
Pop Culture
This is a shallow depth of field shot of some geeky pop culture items I have in my house.

Aperature: f/4
Focus: 2.3ft
Shutter Speed: 1/48
Focal Length: Z00
ND: Clear
This is a shallow depth of field shot of my eye with some audio foam behind me.

Aperature: f/4
Focus: 3.9ft
Shutter Speed: 1/48
Focal Length: Z99
ND: Clear
Ghostly Gazebo
This is a slow shutter speed photo of my friend running through a gazebo in a local park.

Aperature: f/22
Focus: Infinity
Shutter Speed: 1/8
Focal Length: Z00
ND: 1/4ND
ISO: ISO1000
White Balance: 6000k
Depot Plaza Oil
This is a high speed photo of a water fountain shaped like an oil tower.

Aperature: f/4
Focus: Infinity
Shutter Speed: 1/800
Focal Length: 40mm
ND: Clear
White Balance: 6000k
Eggs-cellent Day
Sebastian finds himself in the kitchen with no food to eat so he resorts to cooking eggs. But when he finds out he can't cook sunny side up eggs he changes his plan.
CVD Portfolio

CVD Portfolio

A small portfolio built for my Composition and Visual Design class at Full Sail University.
