Marshall Brewer's profile

Basic Blue Ecopackaging and Rebranding

Basic Blue
Ecopackaging and Rebranding

This project took an existing product (toasted seaweed) renamed it (sushi wraps) and repackaged it in a more ecofriendly way. The renaming of the product was done to try and improve its "curb appeal" to a Western market. I also redesigned the Basic Blue logo and created a poster.
Sushi wrap package is a pillow box that is made with 80# Carbon Neutral paper. 

Snack cracker package that is made with the same paper as the sushi wrapper. The height of the package is half of the sushi wrapper package.
I realize that Hokusai is Japanese and the product is Korean and there may be some post colonial tension there.

The poster alludes to the dynamic nature of waves and the wave that is going to hit the American market when people start eating more healthy snacks. That shift will be led by the new snack powerhouse Basic Blue and their tasty sushi wraps.
Basic Blue Ecopackaging and Rebranding

Basic Blue Ecopackaging and Rebranding

A project to repackage and rebrand a great snack alternative.
