For this project I took an existing shoe and brand and completely redesigned it.​​​​​​​
I decided to redisign the 'toe shoes' by Vibram. These are used for running and climbing, so I designed a variant to that people could use to go hiking with.
I started with sketches of what I wanted the shoe to look like. They had to have more ankle support and a thicker sole with more grip. I chose colors and materials and made a digital model of the shoe.​​​​​​​
I also made a new logo for the shoe. I chose a simple logo which represents the bottom of a foot. ​​​​​​​The name barefoot came from the main prociple of the shoes, which is to create a barefoot experience while still protecting your feet.
I decided what the details are going to look like, and gave a texture and fabric to the different surfaces. I put a lot of Illistrator and Photosop work in it to give the model more depth.
Here I imagined what the model would look like in different colors. All the models still have approximately the same materials but with different colors and patterns.
Here I made a mockup of what a box would look like. This again took a lot of Photoshop work. I placed the logo, an image of the shoe and the different color possibilities on the box.
To get a feel of what the shoes would look like when they are used, I photoshopped them on an existing picture.
Last but not least, this is the presentation board of the new shoe.


Redesign of a sports shoe
